The Cockcroft-Gault (CG) formula is recommended to guide clinicians in the choice\nof the appropriate dosage for direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs). However, the performance\nof the CG formula varies depending on the patientâ??s age, weight, and degree of renal function.\nWe aimed to compare the validity of the CG formula with that of Chronic Kidney Disease\nEpidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formulae\nfor dosing DOACs. A total of 6268 consecutive patients on anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation\n(AF) were retrospectively investigated. Among underweight and elderly patients, the CG formula\nunderestimated renal function compared with the non-CG formulae. However, the concordant rate of\ndrug indications between the CG and the non-CG formulae was approximately 94%. On-label\nuses under the three formulae were associated with a lower risk of major bleeding (but not\nthromboembolism) compared to warfarin. Although we found differences in estimating renal\nfunction and the proportions of drug indications between the CG and non-CG formulae, the risks\nof thromboembolism and major bleeding were similar to those with warfarin regardless of which\nformula was used.